Wednesday, August 24, 2011

If At first You don't succeed.....Yell at Someone

Trouble never sleeps

So.... I just got my fashion media and art school course schedule and my beauty design school agenda. Holy crap! there is so much to do. I keep telling myself, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it. and I will, but i'm definitely gonna have to ask old uncle sammy for some money. I'm gonna need a grant or a loan or a 20 spot to hold on to, just till friday!!! hahaha have you ever had any one say that? "Hey lemme hold on to a 20 spot for ya, just till I get my check".... anyway... maybe that's just MY brother. but back to the issue at hand. last night I was trying to read though the description of my classes, and I couldn't get through one paragraph before my kids came storming into my room. my 10 year old was telling me "MOM, I don't have anything to wear to school tomorrow" even though last week I just bought her enough back to school clothes to put a dent in the National Deficit. and my 6 year old was yelling something about "whats this thing on my leg" which I almost ignored until she added "and whats this white stuff coming out of it" EEEK! so after cleaning, medicating and putting a fresh bandaid on what turned out to be a pus filled scab, I then turned my attention to my 10 year old and said "You BETTER have something to wear tomorrow, because I just spent your college money on your wardrobe".
          After a few minutes, I finally got my 2 little, bedazzled, crumb snatchers out of my room. I sat back down and began to re read that first paragraph. all of a sudden I hear a BIG BOOM! I mean this boom shook the walls.... I gave it the standard 3 second pause and listen ( no crying after 3 seconds and I'm in the clear) and nothing... then my 10 year old yells down the hall "SHE'S OKAY!" but then I hear a whispered "Are you okay? I'm sorry.... don't tell mom". Aaaaand once again my nose is out of the school book that is should be buried in and I'm trotting down the hallway to see what in hell is goin' on now. I get to their bed room which is filled with giant boxes because I am in the process of moving my girls into their own individual rooms. I see my youngest daughter on the floor covered in books my 10 year old looks at me with her doe eyes and says "She fell off the book shelf...." my 6 year old chimes in with "She told me to climb up there" which I only faintly heard, because by that point I was half way back up the hallway to my room. At this point if no one is bleeding, broken, or's all good. they'll be fine!
        So I sat back down on my bed to re- re- read that first paragraph........I got through the first sentence and I hear "MOM the dog just peed in the kitchen" ........Ughhhh this is gonna be a long 10 months. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

.....Here we go

Allll as of right now I'm sitting in my room trying not to suffocate on all the things that await me. it's very much like seeing a huge pot of gold in the middle of a rolling one's around and its all yours for the taking. Every shiny bracelet, necklace, ring and pair of studded pumps, all mine.....if only I can carry that big a$$ pot! I can keep myself very busy with kids and life but I'm going to have to learn how to make time to do what I love. When I start this journey I'm not going to quit.....mostly because the idea of being a beauty school drop out is only cute as a song. In real life, that would be pretty LAME. I'm not sure how all this is going to play out but I'll keep you posted!